# Open-Realty Public Functions

The following public functions in Open-Realty are available for use by add-on Developers and their corresponding files are located in the OR /include/ folder.

# File: misc.inc.php

Class: misc


log_error($sql) - Used to report Fatal SQL errors where $sql is the (text) mySQL query. Sends the error by email to site Admin and halts the script.

log_action($log)- Inserts a message $log (text) to the OR activity log.

# File: core.inc.php - Contains the majority of OR's template enginemfunctionality.

Class: page_admin  or  page_user

The correct class to use depends on if you are working with a template in the administration area of the site (page_admin) or the public side (page_user).


auto_replace_tags($section = '', $admin = FALSE)


load_page($template) - Loads a template file into the OR template engine $page object for use with the following page functions. $template must include the full file path to the template file.



global $config;

require_once($config['basepath'] . '/include/core.inc.php');

//invoke this as a user and not admin page

$page = new page_user();

$template = $config['template_path'] . '/my_template.html'



load_addon_file('ADDONNAME','mytemplate.html') - For use in add-ons: Loads the template file specified as the second variable from the /addons/ADDONNAME/template folder into the OR template engine $page object.


get_template_section($section_name, $page='')

cleanup_template_block($block, $section) - Removes any matching opening and closing template {$block_block} and {/$block_block} block tags from the $section string provided.

remove_template_block($block, $section) - Removes all markup/content between any matching opening and closing template {$block_block} and {/$block_block} block tags from the $section string  provided.

form_options($options,$selected_value, $template_section)

replace_tag($tag, $replacement)

parse_template_section($section_as_variable, $field, $value)

replace_template_section($section_name, $replacement, $page = '')

replace_template_section_row($section_name, $replacement)



output_page() - Echoes the page content instead of returning it to the function that called it

return_page() - Returns the page content to whatever called it,


$output = $page->return_page;

replace_permission_tags() - Replaces any {check_XXX) permission template tags on the page being rendered.

replace_urls() -Replaces any {url_XXX) template tags on the page being rendered.


replace_css_template_tags($admin = FALSE, $tempate_section='')

$admin - BOOLEAN - If set to TRUE applies to public templates, if FALSE (default) applies to Administration area templates.
$template_section - TEXT - Optional  template section to parse, if empty, processes the entire page. Otherwise must contain be a string of raw HTML code that contains {load_css_XXX) template tags for replacement.

replace_lang_template_tags($admin = FALSE, $tempate_section='')

$admin - BOOLEAN - If set to TRUE applies to public templates, if FALSE (default) applies to Administration area templates.
$template_section - TEXT - Optional  template section to parse, if empty, processes the entire page. Otherwise must contain be a string of raw HTML code that contains language template tags for replacement.

cleanup_template_sections($next_prev='', $next_prev_bottom='') - Used to replace the contents of {next_prev} and {next_prev_bottom} pagination template tags with user-provided HTML markup. If either $next_prev or $next_prev_bottom are empty (default) the tags will simply be removed from the template.

replace_search_field_tags($tempate_section = '')

$tempate_section - TEXT - Optional template section to parse, if empty, processes the entire page. Otherwise must contain be a string of raw HTML code that contains search_page template tags for replacement.

replace_listing_field_tags($listing_id, $tempate_section = '', $utf8HTML = FALSE, $skipImageTags=FALSE)

$listing_id - INT - The numeric listingdb_id of the listing
$tempate_section - TEXT - Optional template section to parse, if empty, processes the entire page. Otherwise must contain be a string of raw HTML code that contains listing_detail page template tags for replacement.
$utf8HTML - BOOLEAN - UTF8 encode output. "MBString is enabled at the server: must be set in Site Config. Defaults to FALSE
$skipImageTags - BOOLEAN - Always set to FALSE.

replace_user_field_tags($user_id, $template_section='', $tag_prefix='member')

$user_id - INT - The numeric userdb_id of the user
$tempate_section - TEXT - Optional template section to parse, if empty, processes the entire page. Otherwise must contain be a string of raw HTML code that contains view_user_default page template tags for replacement.
$tag_prefix - TEXT - agent or member determines whether to parse member_XXX_XXX template tags or agent_XXX_XXX template tags.Defaults to 'member' if not passed.

# File: login.inc.php - Contains authentication verification functions

Class: login


loginCheck($loginType,TRUE)  - Used to test if the current user is logged in as a particular user type, Agent, Member, or Admin



global $config;

require_once($config['basepath'] . '/include/login.inc.php');

$login = new login();

//Takes two parameters.

//The first is the permissions to check: Admin, Member, Agent

//The second parameter should always be TRUE.

$security = $login-&gt;loginCheck('Admin', true);

if($security !== true){

//Run this code if this is NOT an admin user.



//Run this code if this is an admin user.

