# Overview
Open-Realty® was designed with one-at-a-time language support in mind. Full multi-language support, such as having one site use several languages simultaneously is not currently supported. However, we have spent a lot of time in ensuring that OR uses language variables defined via a $lang PHP array for almost all text used for the site pages. These language variables are defined in "language files" that are located at the following path within your OR installation:
The ?? in the path is the two letter language code that you have configured in Open-Realty. For example: "en" for English. The 'original.inc.php' file located within the /versions folder above contains most of the language variables for Open-Realty. In addition to the 'original.inc.php' file, you will also see a few additional files that are named using the Open-Realty version number denoting which version they were added for and the extension ".inc.php". For Example:
Each of these files contains additional language variables that were introduced with those versions of Open-Realty.
Making customizations to existing language variables
If you find that you want to change the wording of certain Open-Realty language variables then you may use the custom language folder. Custom language files may be placed in the following path:
The ?? in this path is the two letter language code that you have configured in Open-Realty. For example "en" for English. By default there is a file in this folder named "example.inc.php". This file is an example of how you can use a custom language file to create your own language vars, or modify existing vars that you copy from the other lang files.
Create a custom file in this folder and you may then copy language variables you wish to change from the language files contained in the versions folder. You can make any changes you want to your customized language variables in the /custom folder and they will not be overwritten by upgrades like the files in the
/versions folder. The language variables in any custom language file are loaded into OR last, and any entries in it will override the default language variables.
Creating new language variables
You can create your own new language variables if you wish for embedding in your custom templates. Any new variables you add to the $lang PHP array must be prefaced with the text: lang_ when using a language template tag to display your text contents.
Custom Lang variable: $lang['my_lang_text'] = 'My language var text to display';
Corresponding OR language tag: {lang_my_lang_text}
Note: Be careful what you choose to use for any new array key names, if you duplicate an existing $lang array key your new version will override any others.
If you need to use the apostrophe character ' in any language text, make sure to escape it with a slash \ e.g.: 'My language var\'s text to display';