# Email Template Tags
Usage: {tag_name}.
Tag | Description |
lang_VARIABLE | Displays the corresponding lang variable from the Open-Realty lang file. |
baseurl | Renders the base URL where Open-Realty is installed, i.e. the root of your Open-Realty site. e.g. http://www.mywebsite.com or, if installed in a folder: http://www.mywebsite.com/foldername |
company_name | Displays the company name set in the Open-Realty Site Configuration. |
lead_id | Renders the lead_id for the contact being processed. |
lead_url | Renders the URL to the lead in the contact management system. |
agent_id | Renders the Member's Open-Realty user_id used for Agent emails |
agent_first_name | Renders the Agent's first name for registration and lead notification. |
agent_last_name | Renders the Agent's last name for registration and lead notification. |
agent_name | Renders the Agent's Open-Realty username |
agent_email | |
agent_field_FIELDNAME | Renders the name and contents of a user field defined in the Agent Field Editor. Used for the user_lead_notification email that is sent to the contact form user. For example, to retrieve the "phone" field you would insert {agent_field_phone} into your template, which would result in both the field caption and value being placed in your template, e.g.: Phone: 555-555-1212 |
agent_image_thumb_X | Renders the Listing agent or the contact agents Photo thumbnail, where X = the number of the order of the image specified in the media widget. Used within the user_lead_notification template. |
member_id | Renders the Member's Open-Realty user_id. Used for Member emails |
member_first_name | Renders the Member's First name for registration and lead notification. |
member_last_name | Renders the Member's Last name for registration and lead notification. |
member_name | Renders the Member's Open-Realty username |
member_email | Renders the Member's email address. |
member_password | Renders the Member's Open-Realty password. |
member_login_link | Renders the URL to the Member login page |
fulllink_to_listing | Renders a link to the listing being inquired upon via the contact form. Must be used within {listing_contact_block} block tags. |
listing_id | Renders the Open-Realty listing id for the new_listing_notification that is sent to admin |
listing_title | Renders the Listing Title for the listing being inquired upon via the contact form. Must be used within {listing_contact_block} block tags. |
listing_pclass | Renders the property class of the listing. Used with new_listing_notification emails sent to admin. |
listing_agent_first_name | Renders the listing Agent's (listing owner's) first name. Used with new_listing_notification emails sent to admin. |
listing_agent_last_name | Renders the listing Agent's (listing owner's) last name. Used with new_listing_notification emails sent to admin. |
raw_image_full_X | Renders the specified main/full size image URL, where X = the number of the order of the main image specified in the media widget. Must be used within {listing_contact_block} block tags. |
display_all_lead_fields | Renders the form field captions and data provided by the Member who submitted the contact request. |
verification_email_link | Renders the URL to the email verification link. Must be used within {require_email_verification_block} block tags. Applicable when email verification is enabled in Site Config. |
notification_time | Renders the time the user registered for an account. Can also be used for new listing notification emails sent to admin for displaying the time a new listing was added. |
user_ip | Renders the IP address of the user that registered for an account. |
lead_field_comments_value | Renders the comments (if any) when a lead has been reassigned. |
assigned_by_name | Renders the name of the user who re-assigned a lead |
Block Tags | |
Template tag Blocks are template tags that have a starting and ending tag. ALL code inside a block will be displayed or hidden depending on if the block's conditions are met. Starting tags will be listed below. Blocks must be closed with {/TEMPLATE_TAG_block}. The following template tags are block options: | |
subject_block | Contains the subject of the email e.g: {subject_block} You have a new contact request: {lead_id} from {member_first_name} {member_last_name} {/subject_block} |
listing_agent_block | Contains information if the contact was generated via the view_agent or view_agents page: e.g.: {agent_contact_block} <!-- Display if contact triggered from Agent page --> Thank you for contacting me. I will get back to you as soon as possible with the information you requested. My contact information is provided here should you have any more questions in the meantime. {/agent_contact_block} |
listing_contact_block | Contains information regarding the listing being enquired upon if the contact was generated via a listing detail page: e.g.: {listing_contact_block} <!-- Display link to listing and title if contact triggered from a listing page --> <h2> <a href="{fulllink_to_listing}" title="">{listing_title}</a> </h2> {/listing_contact_block} |
moderated_block | Contains information to show to the recipient if user moderation is active. This applies to both Member or Agent moderation depending on which is being used. e.g.: {moderated_block} <!-- show if Agent Moderation is active --> <p>Thank you, your application for an account is being reviewed</p> {/moderated_block} |
require_email_verification_block | Contains information to show to the recipient if email verification is active. e.g.: {require_email_verification_block} <!-- show if Email verification is active --> <p> You must verify your email is active by clicking on the following link <br /> <a href="{verification_email_link}">{verification_email_link}</a> </p> {/require_email_verification_block} |
password_block | Contains the user's login password from when they registered to create their account. Used for account registration/signup verification emails. e.g: {password_block} <b>Password:</b> {member_password} {/password_block} |
!password_block | Displays contents if when registration verification email template used for password recovery. e.g.: {!password_block} <b>Password:</b> The password you entered when you signed up. If you do not know what this was, you can use the password reset feature on the login page {/!password_block} |