# Permission Template Tags

Each permission tag in the template system are made up of pair of tags that surround template data you wish to restrict or display only to a specific group.


Opening tag: {check_admin}

<content to display to admin goes here>

Closing tag: {/check_admin}

In addition to the permission template tags below, you can also add ! in front of any permission tag to check for the condition of NOT having that permission. Where the above example is restricting any enclosed content  for admin permissions, the below block tag examples will check if the user is NOT an admin.


Opening tag: {!check_admin}

<content to display to everyone except the admin goes here>

Closing tag: {/!check_admin}

The Following tags are available for use in all of the template files. You can add the NOT "!" logic to any of the listed permission tags:

Tag Description:
check_agent Displays content to agents.
check_guest Displays content to guest only. Logged in members/agents will not see this info.
check_member Displays content to members.
check_admin Displays content to administrators.
check_view_logs Displays content to administrators or agents with view log permissions
check_edit_pages Displays content to administrators or agents with edit page permissions
check_have_vtours Displays content to administrators or agents with virtual tour permissions
check_have_files Displays content to administrators or agents with file upload permissions
check_edit_site_config Displays content to administrators or agents with edit site configuration permission.
check_edit_member_template Displays content to administrators or agents with edit member template permission.
check_edit_agent_template Displays content to administrators or agents with edit agent template permission.
check_edit_listing_template Displays content to administrators or agents with edit listing template permission.
check_edit_all_listings Displays content to administrators or agents with edit all listings permission.
check_edit_all_users Displays content to administrators or agents with edit all users permission.
check_edit_pages Displays content to administrators or agents with edit pages permission.
check_edit_listing_classes Displays content to administrators or agents with edit listing classes permission.