# Quick Start guide
This guide will help you get TransparentMAPS up and working on your listing detail page in only a few minutes. Once you have it working there, you will be able to easily add maps to other pages if desired. It is assumed you have read the relevant documentation pages above this one, and have already installed the add-on, but if not, go ahead and do that first and then you can begin.
1) Obtain a free Javascript API key for google's Mapping and geocoding services
Get a Key for Google Maps JavaScript API
- Go to the Google Developer Console
- From the projects list, select a project or create a new one
- If the API Manager page isn’t already open, open the menu and select API Manager
- On the left, choose Credentials
- Click ‘Create credentials’ and then select ‘API key’
- Choose ‘Browser key’
- Give the key a meaningful name.
- You can leave the HTTP Referrers field blank. If you are concerned about security, enter a referrer: for most sites, use yoursite.com/* (Google’s example applies if you have subdomains). You can alternatively restrict access by IP address.
- Copy the API key and click ‘OK’
- Login to your Open-Realty administration area as the admin user and enter your API key using the TransparentMAPS config area via the API/Geocoder tab making sure that Google Geocoder Priority: is set to "First" and save.
If you need to geocode (obtain Latitude/Longitude coordinates for) your listings, also do the following:
- Make sure you have configured valid Map Settings (Address Fields, City, State and Zip) in Open-Realty's Site Config under the Listings tab, and verify that 2 fields exist in your Listing Field Editor that are type: Latitude and Longitude respectively.
- Trigger the geocoder by clicking on the Batch Geocode Listings icon in your Open-Realty administration area. After a while you should see the results reporting how many listings were successfully geocoded and how many failed (if any).
If the geocoding reports a failure for all or most of your listings, recheck to make sure you have the correct API key saved and its Priority set to "First", and recheck your OR Map Settings to make sure you have valid Address Field(s), City, State, and Zip configured. Lastly, make sure any failed listings have valid address information stored for each address-related field.
2) Access the Template tab in OR's Site Config and note which Listing Template you have set presently. For the purposes of this guide we will assume you have the "default" Listing Template set, if not you will simply need to edit the listing_detail_XXX.html template file you have set for step #4.
3) Access your custom template folder and edit your main.html template file. Insert the following two template tags within the <head> </head> tags, somewhere after the OR {load_js} tag but before the closing </head> and save.
When you have finished, you should have something that resembles the following.
4) Access your custom template folder and edit your listing_detail_default.html template file. Insert the following template tag somewhere appropriate in your layout where you want the map to appear and save your template file. If you are using a different listing detail template, edit that file instead. If your custom template folder is missing the listing_detail_XXX.html template file you have set in Site Config, copy it from the /template/default/ and edit that copy.
Tag: {addon_transparentmaps_showmap}
For purposes of this guide we have placed the tag at the bottom of the template file.
<div class="hitcount">{lang_this_listing_has_been_viewed}
<strong>{hitcount}</strong> {lang_times}.
5) Navigate to the listing detail page for one of your listings, you should see a google map at the bottom and a marker icon (pin) representing that listing's location on the map. If you want to change the size and/or options for your listing detail maps, you can adjust settings via the Listing Map tab in the TMAPS configuration area.
You can now add any additional map tags to your search results, Agent details page and etc, by placing the appropriate MAPS template tag in the correct template files. If you are using google's geocoding service, you will need to periodically trigger the geocoder to provide lat/long coordinates for any newly added listings. This process can be automated, simply refer to the Automating Geocoding section of this documentation.