# name_install_addon()


This function is used to add new database tables or to modify existing OR tables and data when necessary. This should be used at a minimum to store the version number of your add-on in the add-ons table and compare the add-on version to the previously installed version (if any) and determine if an installation or an update is needed and then carry out any required database modifications.

An example of a valid function:

function name_install_addon(){

$current_version = "1";

global $conn, $config;


$misc = new Misc();

//Check Current Installed Version

$sql = 'SELECT addons_version FROM '.$config['table_prefix_no_lang'].'addons

WHERE addons_name = \'name\'';

$recordSet = $conn->Execute($sql);

$version = $recordSet->fields[0];

if ($version == ){

// Preform a new install. Create any database tables, insert version # into addons table.

$sql = 'INSERT INTO '.$config['table_prefix_no_lang'].'addons

(addons_version, addons_name)

VALUES (\'1\',\'name\')';

$recordSet = $conn->Execute($sql);

return TRUE;


elseif($version != $current_version) {

//Preform Updates to database based on previous installed version.


case '0';


} // switch

return TRUE;


return FALSE;

