# name_uninstall_tables()
This function runs the SQL commands to delete any tables or values that were added during the installation of the add-on. The return string should return TRUE to indicate the add-on's tables were removed properly.
An example of a valid function:
function name_uninstall_tables(){
global $conn, $config;
require_once($config['basepath'] . '/include/misc.inc.php');
$misc = new Misc();
$sql_uninstall[] = "DELETE FROM " . $config['table_prefix_no_lang'] . "addons
WHERE addons_name ='framework'";
foreach($sql_uninstall as $elementContents) {
$recordSet = $conn->Execute($elementContents);
if ($recordSet === false) {
echo "<strong><span style=\"red\">ERROR - $elementContents</span></strong><br/>";
return FALSE;
else {
return TRUE;